Website Arthur Morgan School
Teaching Assistant
Tasks & Responsibilities:
Antioch students will work with students in a wide variety of settings on campus and off campus on all school field trips. Possible work includes garden work, campus maintenance, cooking, supervising adolescents, assisting in classes, assisting in field trips. Self motivated individuals who are open to sharing their own knowledge and experience are most successful.
Experience with farm animals, planting, harvesting, natural history, sciences, math, writing, cooking, working with kids. The most important piece is patience and willingness to understand adolescence, motivation to work hard, willingness to jump in with both feet and ask questions in a fast moving enviroment. Interns are loosely supervised and expected to find ways to plug in everyday.
Learning Opportunities:
Alternative Education, Farm and Gardening, Natural History, Adolescent Education.
Additional Comments:
Housing is rustic. All heat is wood stoves and chopping firewood. Winters are often cold/icy inclement weather. Interns should be prepared with warm clothing. Interns will likely go on 18-day field trips. Destination of field trips will be determined during the internship. Former interns highly reccomended that applying interns talk to them about their experiences.