Website Brickel Creek Organic Farm
We have bee hives, so not being allergic to bees would be a plus. Any compute skills to help in updating and maintaining the web site would be helpful; Owner prefers female interns. Greenhouse work, weeding, herbs, berry picking and maintenance. Expanding farm over the next year.
Farm Assistant
Tasks & Responsibilities:
Preparing trays for seeding, mixing soil for trays, seeding, transplanting, mowing, harvesting and packaging of produce, training blackberries on the adjustable trellis system, composting, and mulching. Any computer or marketing skills would be a plus.
Good attitude and interest in learning about growing organic fruit and vegetables. Physically fit to handle weeding, mowing, harvesting is necessary.
Learning Opportunities:
Seeding, companion planting, extending the growing season with the use of passive solar houses, harvesting rainwater, marketing of produce and growing sprouts.
Additional Comments:
We have bee hives, so not being allergic to bees would be a plus. Any computer skills to help in updating and maintaining the web site would be helpful; Owner prefers female interns. Greenhouse work, weeding, herbs, berry picking and maintenance. Expanding farm over the next year.