Website Sunfield Educational Association Waldorf School
Teaching Assistant & Biodynamic Agriculture Apprentice
Tasks & Responsibilities:
Physical plant repairs and maintenance, and tech/network support.
Qualifications/Learning Opportunities:
“I came to Sunfield’s farm without any agricultural experience, and I have come out of it having learned about the area’s growing conditions and soil content, how to work power tools, how to drive a stick-shift truck, how to manage a large group of kids and speak with them, how to deal with presenting change to the organization, and many other things relevant to farming as well as community organizing. The head farmer and supervisor, Nicole Witham, has been very good about making my experience here an educational one. She is open to me asking questions and sometimes leaves me with tasks after explaining how to do something. I am allowed to sit in on farm and community meetings, which has been good for me to get to see all of the different parts of the Sunfield organization. I have also had the opportunity to lead visiting school’s field trips to the farm and school, which has developed my speaking and leadership skills.” – Elaine Bell
Additional Comments:
“The farm is unable to pay its interns, but does offer a monthly grocery stipend. Also, multiple members of the community are open to housing interns throughout their stay, and the family I lived with were very hospitable and lovely. I would say that the learning experiences I’ve had here have far exceeded any monetary payment I’ve received working a job.” – Elaine Bell