Website Hogar Comunitario Yach'il Antzetic
Midwifery Assistant/Community Educator
Tasks & Responsibilities:
Answer phones and welcome visitors, help Hogar Comunitario women working in the bazaar by cleaning, organizing, selling clothes; help prepare meals, keep the house clean and organized, gardening, attending workshops on midwifery and women’s health issues, taking photos of events, going on trips to surrounding communities to help with workshops, create posters and pamphlets for the organization, help raise funds through fund-raising campaigns and obtain grants, leading educational clay sculpting and crafts workshops for women who live in the house, learning and practicing Spanish with co-workers and residents, learning about the cultures and languages of indigenous populations in Chiapas, Mexico.
Good for individuals who are interested in women’s health and midwifery, Spanish studies, indigenous cultures and languages of Mexico, psychology, therapy, arts education and crafts workshops, grant writing, marketing and advertising. The organization prefers 6 month commitment. Intermediate to advanced level of Spanish preferred. Someone self-directed, motivated, and flexible.