Website WYSO: Public Radio for the Miami Valley
Miller Fellow
Tasks & Responsibilities:
Miller Fellow Tasks: During the first term, the Fellow will be introduced to digital audio production, editing, writing and voicing for radio and complete a feature-length radio story.
The WYSO Miller Fellow will participate in WYSO’s Community Voices training course (class of 2016) and serve as an assistant to the course instructors. Duties will include recording in-studio guests and editing audio on an as-needed basis, as well as assist with and support various administrative tasks related to events, fundraisings, mass mailings, data entry and analysis, etc.
In the subsequent part-time terms, WYSO’s Fellow will produce the monthly podcast “The Antioch Word” and an occasional “Miller Fellow Blog”. He/she will also generate story ideas and produce content for broadcast in addition to assigned recording and editing tasks. The WYSO Miller Fellow will be ready to design a project of their own with our supervision that combines their interest with our needs. That project might be a series of local oral history interviews, news features, or other audio and web content. This project could be focused in Yellow Springs so that the WYSO Miller Fellow would engage with the Yellow Springs community and so, by the end of his/her first year as an Antioch College student, they would have some familiarity with local history and culture.
In the past, such tasks have included writing, recording, and editing promos; recording and editing weekly commentators; recording and editing listener testimonials, etc. If the Fellow expresses a special interest in journalism they could help WYSO reporters research story ideas, schedule interviews, or perhaps gather interviews over the phone, or conduct “man on the street” interviews at community events. If the Fellow’s interest is music, there could be opportunities to schedule performers, set-up microphones, record musical performances, preview discs sent to WYSO by promoters, and much more.
The WYSO Miller Fellow will be supervised by various WYSO news, web and Community Voices staff members but ultimately will be evaluated by Neenah Ellis, WYSO General Manager.
Additional Comments:
NOTE: You will work start your position in January, 2016 and work through December, 2016.