Cooperative education (co-op) is a model of experiential learning that engages students in full-time work as a central component of their college degree program. Antioch College is home to the oldest liberal arts-based cooperative education program in the nation, initiated by educational pioneer Arthur Morgan in 1921. Founded on principles of pragmatism, the program has been a hallmark of an Antioch education for more than 90 years. All Antioch College students currently spend up to one-third of their undergraduate degree program engaged in challenging employment, research, or self-directed enterprises with the College’s substantial network of partners. The College has students available year-round, with different classes engaging in alternating eleven-week co-op terms throughout their course of study.
Are you thinking of creating a new position or hiring an entry-level employee? Are you looking for an energetic young person to assist with a special project or support you during a busy season? Making a position available for an Antioch co-op student or convincing a colleague to do so is a great way to become involved in our academic community as well as to contribute to a young person’s education. It is also a cost-effective way to infuse youthful energy into an organization and gain the advantages that come with diversifying the perspectives of your team.
Like most institutions of higher learning today, Antioch College’s student body is diversifying. Approximately 44% of currently enrolled students identify as people of color, 79% are Pell-grant eligible, and a majority identify within the LGBTQ+ community. Antioch College prides itself on its efforts to help students establish themselves in careers and communities of practice. Studies of the impact of cooperative education suggest that programs that involve students in the world of work have a significant impact on the development of professionals that are more entrepreneurial, nationally connected, and acquainted with problem-focused approaches to work. Employer contributions to student learning in these areas are a critically important.
The College asks the cooperating Employer to create a learning environment in which adequate supervision and support are provided in order for a student to be successful. In this regard, the following are considered essential components of the relationship:
Notes: Compensation for student work, if applicable, is expected to be paid in a timely manner at the agreed upon rate and in accordance with state and federal laws. Students can be required to sign confidentiality agreements as necessary.
Prospective employers will be asked to complete a job description form so as to advertise their position with students as accurately as possible. The College will then recruit, screen, and help students submit their resume and cover letter to the employer in order to formally apply for a position. Once a candidate has been introduced and recommended, the employer is advised to contact the student directly in order to gauge their responsiveness and communication skills. They should then interview the candidate to determine whether they are a good match. The College does not set compensation standards, but students should be able to support themselves on wages earned during co-op quarters. Alternately, providing room and board as well as a modest stipend is acceptable. Students already possess health insurance as full-time students. Please contact the College immediately upon hiring a student in order to ensure proper documentation is in order.
Making a position available for a co-op student or convincing a colleague to do so is a great way to become involved in our academic community and contribute to a current student’s education. Employers are encouraged to share knowledge of their field, while taking advantage of a program that will help them hire right-fit employees.
If you are interested in creating a new opportunity for an Antioch Co-op student, please complete our CO-OP OPPORTUNITY SUGGESTION FORM.
Luisa Bieri
Dean of Cooperative, International and Community-based Learning
Antioch College