Graduate School Resources
Applying to graduate school can sometimes appear to be a daunting task, but with proper prepartion and guidance you can quickly be on your way to submitting a fantastic application! Below are few resources that can assist you:
College Affordability Guide
This site “analyzed 10,000,000+ data points from 7,000+ colleges and universities across the USA to find which colleges are doing the most to make high-quality education affordable.” Click here to check out their site today and start exploring affordable college options by state or subject matter.
General Graduate School Applications Milestones/Timeline
Law School Application Milestones/Timeline
Personal Statement Writing Resources
External Scholarships
There are an abundance of external scholarships open to students of all backgrounds that can assist in covering the cost for College tuition, room/board, books, and more. Click here to explore various scholarship opportunities in a list compiled by Antioch students Katie Olson ’17, Sylvia Newman ’16, Soleil Sykes ’18, and Michelle Fujii ’18. For more information or to explore other potential funding opportunities, you can also visit College Data, College Board, or the Common Knowledge Scholarship Foundation sites.
For more information about study abroad scholarships, visit CIEE.
Filing Taxes for Educational Stipends
If you have received a travel stipend, financial award for co-op, or other source of funds, it is important that you understand your tax requirement and the steps necessary to file properly. You may be entitled to some tax benefits and may not want to miss out!
Please refer to the IRS site for information on how to properly file your tax statements and any other questions.
Social Justice & Immigration Fellowships
CLICK HERE to check out these opportunities!