Student Forums
A journal of social practice & professional engagement for the Antioch community

November 2021

[caption id="attachment_13641" align="alignright" width="190"] Another one of the employees, Abby, holding Ari, my favorite owl.  Ari is a barred owl and was raised by humans, so he is very friendly.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_13642" align="alignleft" width="176"] Me raking the enclosure to keep it clean.  This is how I

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This spring, my weekdays consist of rising at 6 a.m., working until 3:15, and usually class or rehearsal, while my weekends are full of dance or song practices and performances—a pretty packed term, I would say! Nevertheless, change is inevitable; sometimes our plates are full

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[caption id="attachment_13522" align="alignleft" width="225"] Did you know that the words for crying and rain sound very similar? I would sometimes say "I am raining" or "The sky is crying"[/caption] Sitting outside watching groups of people walk past me is a particularly calming activity. Some stop to

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