Student Forums
A journal of social practice & professional engagement for the Antioch community

A Day At WYSO: Mary Evans ’20 at WYSO in Yellow Springs, Ohio

While working at WYSO Radio Station as the 2018 Miller Fellow, I have been able to take on different interview topics and make the most out of my co-host position on the Antioch Word podcast. The mission of WYSO is to give voice to our community, our nation, and our world with independent news, music, and storytelling. There, I get to do what I love: talk to people and learn about different cultures.

No day at work for me is the same, but I regularly get to use Adobe Audition and Hindenberg to edit the audio tracks I collect, and I conduct interviews with awesome people from the Antioch College community. Right now, I am focusing on intersectionality, activism, and community building. Those interested can find some episodes discussing these issues in the Media Library.

Every encounter I have on Antioch Word brings an informative journey. In one interview, Emily Foubert, a volunteer at The Glen, discusses her love for birds and programs offered at the nature preserve. Listen to a clip below or read the article and listen to the full interview here. 

Being able to do something I enjoy while getting paid is a first for me. This experience has cemented my belief that this profession complements my interest in anthropology and activism. 

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Mary Evans is an attending student at Antioch College. She was the 2018 Miller Fellow at WYSO for her first Co-op experience. She is now the Digital Archivist Coordinator for Oral History in the Liberals Arts, at Antioch College. She is self-designing a BA in Media Arts with a focus on Web Development and Digital Marketing.

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