My first co-op has been interesting like almost everyone else’s this term. At first, I was going to work for my town’s convention center but, well, quarantine wasn’t having that. I didn’t know what to do. Then my mom invited me to go into business with her and I needed a purpose, so I accepted. As a result, I have had to relearn my way of living. In order to own a business, you have to be business-minded. Though I originally thought that is what I was, I was wrong.

A page from my journal with goals and reflection from my first boot camp session

My boot camp journal cover
At the end of April, my mom and I started attending Bootcamp, a program headed by Chanika and Edward Turner whose purpose is to help us grow and run our business. I’m not sure what I expected, but it gave me insight further than I anticipated. I have had to change my conversational and procrastination habits in order to complete the assignments. The Bootcamp program has inspired me to take charge of my day and take responsibility for my goals. It is showing me what it means to be business-minded and not a worker bee.
One of the things that I have revived during this co-op is my reading time. I have started a reading list and the book that I am reading right now is Brain Rules by John Medina. In the book, he explains the 12 rules of the brain and how they can help improve learning and retention. I chose to make small posters about each rule as I read and they are adorning the walls of my room. This helps me be creative and reminds me of the things that I have learned.

My “Jumping into C++” book by Alex Allian
While time has been moving slowly, I still have things to be excited about. Aside from starting a business and reading again, I am going to start taking a programming course. I have been overly excited and so ready to learn to program formally. I know that this time has been hard for a lot of people, but I hope that you keep looking forward to the future. I know I will.