Student Forums
A journal of social practice & professional engagement for the Antioch community

Communications at the Coretta Scott King Center: McCoy ’22

For my Winter ’22 co-op, I am working as a coordinator at the Coretta Scott King Center for Intellectual and Cultural Freedom. My supervisor is Shadia Alvarez, the Executive Director. As stated in our website, we focus on awareness and advocacy on subjects pertaining to social justice and diversity.

On a day-to-day basis, I come in around 9:30 and I work on project assignments that were already planned for me to do. As a coordinator, I plan out events, do research, and I also just work on whatever aspect of our programming that need to be done. My favorite projects that I like to do are definitely working on writing the CSKC communications. The best piece I have probably written was the Black History Month letter that was sent out from the CSKC. I don’t think I can top that one.

I think this co-op kind of leans into what I want to do in terms of my education because my favorite aspect of this work is definitely the writing assignments and I’m planning a self-designed major in creative writing. Even though the things I’ve written aren’t really in the realm of “creative,” but that just means I am developing a versatile writing style.

I’m excited to see what the rest of this co-op term has in store for me and I’m curious to see what else I get to do 🙂

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