Student Forums
A journal of social practice & professional engagement for the Antioch community

Grant ’18 at The Tandana Foundation in Otavalo, Ecuador

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I have a strong passion for working with computers and technology. I believe that this is due to my love of video games as a child. Whenever a piece of technology didn't work, being able to fix it meant being able to play more games. I still associate being able to help people with their computer needs with joy and I truly enjoy what I am doing in the field and at home every day. This passion led me to work as the IT specialist for the Tandana Foundation in Ecuador for my third coop. This means that I was responsible for setting up local networks and making sure everyone's devices worked as they should whenever work needed to be done with technology. This also meant that I was the go-to person for technology questions/concerns and troubleshooting. After that, I taught basic computer skills to scholarship students in Otavalo.  Now I am working and studying in Yellow Springs, OH as an IT specialist for Antioch College. In my free time after work, I study for the CompTIA A+ and Server+ certifications that I plan to take very soon. I also have a number of personal projects going on at home that includes exploring the various distributions of Linux and modding my personal computer.

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