Student Forums
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Faculty Spotlight: Beth Bridgeman

Beth Bridgeman was the invited guest speaker at the Ohio Governor’s Residence and Heritage Garden on August 23 where she spoke on the history of U.S. seed patent legislation since 1930, gene trait and utility patent law and seed sovereignty. She is an invited speaker at the Ohio School Garden conference on October 13 and a panelist on “Community Efforts and Environmentalism”  at the Chatham College Food and Climate Change conference October 14.  On October 21, she is co-presenting  at the InFACT Seed to Sustainability Workshop at Antioch College with Dr David Francis,  geneticist and tomato plant breeder from the Ohio Agriculture and Research Development Center. Second in a series of four statewide workshops, the InFACT series provides professional training for seedsavers, grower and plant breeders. Bridgeman and Francis will speak on seed policy law for small-scale commercial seed production.

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Beth Bridgeman is an associate professor of Cooperative Education.

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