Student Forums
A journal of social practice & professional engagement for the Antioch community

A Co-Op, But Virtual: Paynter ’24 at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio

My co-op story started with one passion in mind: media production and the arts.

Of course, that wasn’t the only deciding factor in my decision. I knew going into the spring term that I didn’t feel comfortable traveling, but also needed a place to stay. Antioch College is my only home at the moment, so I needed to find a co-op that would help me cover my room and board payment. It was a very scary and stressful situation for me. I wasn’t exactly sure where I’d go from here if I couldn’t find a place to live that I could afford and, unfortunately, due to differences in beliefs, I wasn’t welcome back with family. Thankfully, my co-op advisor, Luisa Bieri, found the perfect job opportunity that relieved my biggest fear just in time. I give her my sincerest thank you!

Right now, I am working with James Lippincott and Anna Robinson in video post-production. Our main goal is to produce video content for both the main Antioch YouTube and Vimeo channels, as well as the Antioch alumni YouTube channel. I’m currently working on a few projects, including a video highlighting actor John Lithgow’s moments at the Antioch Under the Stars Virtual Gala event. Additionally, I have been editing a series of short videos of students thanking staff, alumni, and other people in their lives, which is being dubbed the “Thank-A-Thon Event.”

For anyone interested in viewing a video I have completed, check out the one down below, which is of Antioch College’s 2020 Reunion’s Open Mic Event! It was a really fun video to edit, and one of the first I got to work on.

Working on video post-production has been an incredibly exciting opportunity for me. Media, and art in general, has been a big passion of mine ever since I was young. I remember waking up every morning to watch cartoons, then heading to school and drawing those exact same characters on my homework just a few moments later. My introduction to animation opened up a rabbit hole that has led to who I am today, and has introduced me to other means of media production such as music and video!

Overall, I don’t have any words other than that co-op has been great, and I thank everyone who has allowed me this opportunity!

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Hello! My name is Sara Marsh and I am a second-year Antioch student who is currently serving as the editor for Antioch Engaged during the 2021-2022 school year. I am originally from Lexington, Kentucky and I am planning on pursuing a degree in psychology.

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