Student Forums
A journal of social practice & professional engagement for the Antioch community


Farmhand Tasks & Responsibilities: What is expected of a student in the market garden? A student is expected to help in all aspects of raising, harvesting, and selling produce. This means he or she will be in the field learning and practicing methods of planting, cultivating, weeding, and picking vegetables and

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Nature Preserve Intern Tasks & Responsibilities: Nature trail trash pickup, helping with bush honeysuckle control project in the form of pulling seedlings (large stands will be cut and treated independently), help paint outbuildings on farm animal sanctuary, assist with visiting group tours and workshops. Qualifications: Pursuit of naturalist education,

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Farm Assistant Tasks & Responsibilities: Farm Assistant would help with most aspects of farming operation, including planting, weeding, harvesting of produce, as well as learn about planning and marketing. Qualifications: Willingness to learn small-scale farming techniques. Some background in gardening or farming could be helpful, but is not required.

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Teaching Assistant & Biodynamic Agriculture Apprentice Tasks & Responsibilities: Physical plant repairs and maintenance, and tech/network support. Qualifications/Learning Opportunities: "I came to Sunfield’s farm without any agricultural experience, and I have come out of it having learned about the area’s growing conditions and soil content, how to work power

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Land Intern Tasks & Responsibilities: Students will perform end-of-season research tasks such as threshing and weighing seed, sieving roots from soil cores, threshing more seeds, and milling plant tissues samples. The work is absolutely essential to the steady progress of the Institute’s vision of ecological intensification of

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Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Intern Tasks & Responsibilities: Students work on organic farms 4 full work days a week, with the work days divided often between 2 different types of farms. Qualifications: No skills are necessary, but students must be committed to the program and be able to

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Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Assistant; Program Expansion & Marketing Intern Additional Comments: Owner is from Colombia and hires local youth, some Hispanic speaking migrant workers and local Amish youth. A friendly eclectic group of farm workers. CSA cooperative, farmer's market, social media, marketing, and a little work

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Herbalist Trainee Tasks & Responsibilities: Interns will regularly be involved in planting, upkeep, and harvesting. Garden beds are prepared manually with trowels, shovels, broad forks, and rakes to minimize soil disruption. Some plants are sewn from seed while others are transplanted. Compost and mulch are often applied.

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Farm Assistant Tasks & Responsibilities: Preparing trays for seeding, mixing soil for trays, seeding, transplanting, mowing, harvesting and packaging of produce, training blackberries on the adjustable trellis system, composting, and mulching. Any computer or marketing skills would be a plus. Qualifications: Good attitude and interest in learning about growing

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