Student Forums
A journal of social practice & professional engagement for the Antioch community
Home2019 (Page 4)

March 2019

What do leaves dipped in wax, seed germination, and eurythmy have in common? I learned about it and did it at Camphill Copake! Camphill Copake is an Intentional Community in upstate New York that serves adults with special needs. They are called Villagers, as this village is their

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[caption id="attachment_10567" align="alignleft" width="300"] Home, sweet Homer.[/caption] I arrived in Homer, Alaska two weeks early for the summer quarter. Knowing that the quarter would only last five and a half weeks (07/08 - 08/14), I decided to be proactive and make the most of my time

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I am interning at Buen Dia Family School in San Francisco, California. Buen Dia is a preschool that is primarily art-based with a Spanish language component. Their educational approach is more so about the process of learning rather than the final product. For example,what the

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