"As much as the wall performs the necessity of continued occupation, it also inadvertently performs these internal contestations and anxieties of state. The wall both veils and partially constitutes 'the violent reality of a shifting colonial frontier', and the 'us here/ them there' ideology it
About the Project This project’s main focus is on individuals in the Great Lakes Region and their stories that stem from their relationships to fishing and the water. I've gathered content from different fishing demographics: those who fish for leisure, sport, and out of necessity. I
About the Project San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico is an intertwining of international and local culture. And in this cultural fusion, I set out to explore the role of textiles for weavers while looking from my own lens as an outsider. My intention as a
Dayton is notable for its attempt to make itself an "immigrant-friendly city" through the establishment of Welcome Dayton, a policy and organization that tries to boost up the immigrant community while boosting up Dayton itself. I aim to find ways in which members of the Turkish