Antioch College’s Biomedical Science program offers students opportunities to experience the discipline up close, enhancing learning through resources like the College’s Human Tissue Library and coordinated visits with area professionals. Dr. Jeff Romig, Visiting Assistant Professor of Human Physiology, recently provided his Spring 2017 BIO 335: Anatomy and Physiology class with their first gross human anatomy/autopsy experience. They took a field trip to the Montgomery County Coroner’s Office and were hosted by Pathologist Bob Shoot, M.D.
Three students, Valerie Benedict, Leandre Niyokwizera, and Isabelle Segadelli, participated in this educational experience, and shared their reflections:
“The first impression of opening the thoracic and abdominal cavity was stunning. I never truly appreciated the vibrancy of the colors and the complexity of organs until they were laid out in that manner. That being said, I also learned that I never want to be a pathologist; the smell is unforgettable and definitely not something I could deal with on a day to day basis.” –Valerie Benedict ‘18
“The trip to the morgue was a great learning experience, even though the scene wasn’t pretty. Seeing the autopsies first hand was a great way to connect all dots from materials learned in the two anatomy and physiology courses [Anatomy and Physiology I & II]. During this visit, I reinforced my anatomical identification skills, as well as physiology. I was able to point what organs belong where and how they contribute to the body in terms of functions. In terms of timing, it was appropriate to go later in the second course because we had learned almost all of the important anatomical structures. If another chance to the morgue was offered, I’d love to go. And I would recommend this to any undergraduate who is in the sciences or premed program.”  –Leandre Niyokwizera ‘18
“The visit to the coroner’s office was a great educational experience. I have always found forensic science to be fascinating. One of the interesting things I learned was how each organ was dissected as the doctor looked for the cause of death, as well as the whole process of an autopsy. I appreciated Dr. Shoot’s passion for the work he does. However, today I learned (or reconfirmed to myself) that I find living people more interesting than the dead (not because of the smell).” –Isabelle Segadelli ’18