Student Forums
A journal of social practice & professional engagement for the Antioch community
Home2023 (Page 2)

June 2023

The Antioch farm is a small-scale farm that works to provide farm-to-table produce for our community.  Our primary goal is to be able to have enough produce to feed all of the students and staff on campus continuously. Growing up in a small town surrounded

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Finding Your Happy Place The United World College (UWC) is an international High School where students from 95 different countries around the world attend for their junior and senior years of Highschool. UWC strives to teach students to be change makers in their communities, from local,

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The sweet scents of vanilla, honey, and lavender drift back and forth, mixing with the hot air of the kitchen. I take in the pleasant aromas of my creation, and I am eased. For in that one instant, the incessant feeling of weight lifts from

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