Brian Kot, Assistant Professor of Biology/Environmental Science, and Kelly Hudson, Lab Technician, recently accessioned a collection of 230 Molluscs to Antioch’s new and growing zoological collection.
The Molluscs were graciously donated by David Keith Metty, semi-professional malacologist and father of Antioch student Emma Metty. They were part of his large, professionally-prepared group of material, collected over 40-plus years.
Some of the donated specimens are rare and difficult to find in Ohio, and include: Three-Horn Warty Backs, Giant Floaters, Pink Heel Splitters, Pimple Backs, Fat Muckets, Deer Toes, Pistol Grips, and Monkey Faces. These specimens are valuable for both teaching and research, and are intended to be used to facilitate student research projects aiming to test for morphological variation between groups.
Brian has led the establishment of Antioch’s zoological teaching collection, which is now approaching 4,000 specimens. “I’m proud of this collection, use it regularly, and am encouraging all of you [Science] (and the Art folks) to make use of it in your classes.”
Those interested in the zoological collection are encouraged to contact Brian or Kelly for a tour.
Congratulations to Assistant Professor of Media Arts Kelly Gallagher, winner of the Ivan Kaljević Award for unconventional approach from the Alternative Film/Video Festival Belgrade for her newest film More Dangerous Than a Thousand Rioters, which is receiving international attention.
Kelly was chosen by a jury of prominent artists and filmmakers: Marina Gržinić, Eve Heller and Peter Tscherkassky, and, as part of the award, wins a retrospective screening of her films, as well as a residency to produce her next film.
As an animator and filmmaker, Kelly analyzes political and power relationships, particularly as they relate to gender and race. Her film More Dangerous Than a Thousand Rioters, which recently premiered on The Nation, is centered on the life of Lucy Parsons, who, as Kelly describes, “spent her entire life fighting for the rights of the disenfranchised…I made this short animated-documentary, as a celebration for and appreciation of Lucy Parsons—but mostly I made it because if we are to find a way forward out of the mess that is coming our way, we will need to actively seek out revolutionary heroes who struggled before us. Those who risked their lives for struggle every day—those who fought tirelessly against the ruling class and the rule of capital. Animation allows us the incredible power of resurrection—the ability to bring back to life the stories and struggles that we need to remember and learn from today, more than ever.”